True Pablo,
For legal ones there is also these ones, specially for ADD people:
But yes, i wrote down a paper some years about about different kind of
addictions, digital addictions, emotional, dependency addictions, food,
war, fight, politics, sex.....
it was part of the software platform i wanted to integrate in to my
ultimate software solution, that would help people to regulate their life
globally and locally to the most healthy direction in beliefs life as well,
... and first was to make people to see, that there is TV addictions,
serious ones, and they behave similar way in brain and body as some drugs,
well, outside at least for sure.
And most addictions yes, is lack of some love in our life and lack of
knowledge about life and what we need most in life, also lack of belief to
see better future in long term and lack of knowledge, that there is reason
to collect important knowledge and health "In up there" somewhere..
Meaning, most religious people believe that intelligence and experience
the collect in this life is related to the next experience and task they
are given, or between what one can choose, but the fundamental real life
knowledge is needed for all, You know, something that helps You in another
time or place, if You end up there butt naked.
To believe that, is also motivation to keep life interesting to the end,
and not letting "them" win. As You know, when You re-open your eyes, all
will be known and revealed what was needed and what you collected and what
we wasted here, besides time.
Just noticed, google is full of it:
But then again.. who knows what results you see...
We need to make one screenshots mesh up also, even automatic one, where
from different users, browsers and locations the search results are
compared year after year, based on type of search, category of words
Comes handy, in future, 20 years specially to see how minds are shaped.
Besides, comes handy to show all the fake "millions" of results that google
supposedly has, but in truth.. sometimes is just few hundred.
But psychologically.. is helpful for limiting people make deep search,
investigation, as if someone says there is 79 or 256 results, then You more
likelly to look them all then "1,433,334" results (well.. perhaps will then
look few first ones..)
And that's how easy it is. To make people choose, what You want them to
choose and make them self change the system in a way you want them to
change it.
Well, there is more, but..
My addiction is healing entire world, and making better anything i can
imagine, or see, that can be, better.
This addiction takes life out of me.. in some way, as am really, living in
streets now and winter comes.. but to get job, just "for me" only... seems
horrible idea.. and when You try to get one, then most weird things will
happen, in unprobabale way in a row, .... only thing that can motivate to
"Put your dreams down a bit" is a women, another addiction to life, as "for
Her" seems reasonable, to stay alive and work for whatever job for .. for
Some time..
Another addiction for me is to get justice...
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 4:15 AM, Pablo <pablovidal85@???> wrote:
> Call me extremist but I would go further and say every addiction is
> slavery, it doesn't matter if it's addiction to 'illegal' drugs, medical
> substances, alcohol, anti-depressants, sugar, gambling, bitcoin,
> dopamine-releasing activities or thoughts. I think addictions have little
> to do with substance and a lot with (the lack of) strong self-control; we
> grow up in a culture (most of them around the globe) which encourages us to
> live a hedonistic life (if we're wealthy enough to pay for it) mostly
> because that's good for the economy of the producers but the effects on the
> human body and mind are devastating. As the years pass, I've personally
> come to think that what first looked like empowering substances (for me
> psilocybin, weed, mdma), were just drugs messing with the part of my brain
> that evaluates myself (the consciousness level) so I'm not really that sure
> anymore. There are some mundane-looking substances (like the ones found in
> common medicinal herbs) which seem to improve a little bit body and mind
> which have shown good results and very little (or none) secondary effects.
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