:: Re: [DNG] New mirror of Devuan 100%…
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Author: Daniel Reurich
Date: 2015-09-29 17:30 -000
To: tilt!, dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] New mirror of Devuan 100% free
On 30/09/15 02:15, tilt! wrote:
> Ok! :) One more question:
> Suppose at some point a new mirror had to be set up (for example
> in Australia).
> Is the mirror then just a copy of a directory - for example,
> "/dists/devuan" on an FTP or HTTP server - or does it require actively
> running software for self-maintainance (like the "rebuild" operation
> you have described)?

Only for the /devuan repo. The /merged repo uses url rewriting to refer
to /devuan, deb-multimedia, and debian using amprolla. So you will need
to replicate packages.devuan.org/devuan and run amprolla which does the
url rewriting and will need to be configured to redirect to your nearest
upstream mirrors.


Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722