:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir $nd Co., MArgus…
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Author: Margus w. Meigo
Date: 2015-09-27 11:49 -000
To: Ray@paxful.com
CC: System undo crew
Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir $nd Co., MArgus here - idea for BTC related project
Supper Great!
i am on 16 Eur hostel, near CoCaCola plaza, Near youth satanist club
called Protest (actually nice place, just spiritually dark if one is
religious, as i am. I still like the place, including the Voo-Doo dolls
around the bub, setting is comfortable, anyway).

I just got ur mail now... i have not been sleeping like few days, not tired
jet but thought, maybe i should a little.

What is today's plans?
This is the aria here, where green also, often go around

I turned my old Amir UK number +44 7719 980382 on also, but is locked in
apartment, my own phone got lost yesterday. At least You can make as
reference unanswered calls there rest of you who reads, or sms, for

Who remembers from last time...
Up to now i have not plugged my self in to finance yet, still feeling
worlds and connecting possibilities dots outside physical world, it seems,
that what Bible says about "rich can not access" some things, has some
value in, so my physics state has been benefiting of some visualizations
that need blank start, but about that later. (i actually singed my self
up for a real jobs where i should go soon, to collect my self the base, of
spiritually clean money)

Night is long, see ya today : )


On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Ray@??? <ray@???> wrote:

> Margus,
> Our team is in Tallin now. We r headed to old town now. Lets hangout.
> Cool?
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 9:21 PM, Margus W. Meigo <waffad@???> wrote:
> I met a clean-cut guy Today in Tallinn. I let him speak for himself:
> Hi Gentlemen! I am Meelis K. I met Margus Today, (who am *had had* chat
> before) and we start to talk. He remind me
> of Gottfrid a.k.a anakata from The Pirate Bay project. I think for one
> second that he looks very
> similar to him. Because anakata was released Today from 3 years of prison,
> we decide to
> smoke some bob and celebrate it. It lead to a discussion of BTC related
> topics and
> we decide to start a new project that is currently known as BitGolem. We
> are looking for
> team members and you could say that we need - back end dev - front end dev
> - sysadmin
> -designer. Because anakata was released Today it is yet too early to say
> that he would
> personally join this project, but it would be great if we could carry it
> out anyway to honor
> him and also help to develop the BTC/anarchist money transfer scene a bit
> further.
> Let us know if you are willing to hear about the exact project idea.
> Mel
> Armastusega,
> Margus
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