Author: Rainer Weikusat Date: 2015-09-24 16:15 -000 To: dng Subject: Re: [DNG] [announce] s6-rc,
a s6-based service manager for Unix systems
Laurent Bercot <ska-devel@???> writes: > On 24/09/2015 17:51, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
>> If it starts working within less than five minutes, users will forget
>> about it faster than they could complain, especially for a system which
>> is usually supposed to be running. But that's actually a digression.
> Five minutes? And you think it's acceptable?
As a matter of fact, I know this is more than acceptable and less than
actually needed.
>> Provided a program is supposed to work this out on its own, this
>> information can be modelled as 'a dependency'. But you could equally
>> well modify rc.local to do a
>> mount-all-filesystem
>> before a
>> start-the-services
> You mean, removing the mounts from your service manager? Sure, you
> can always do everything by hand.
That's a false dichotomoy and I 'meant' that simple ordering
requirements of this kind don't have to be worked out by complicated
programs at run time.
NB: I've (also purposely) ignored both the flamebaits and the wrong
assumptions about my situation and "situations" in general.