:: Re: [DNG] frontend GUI implementati…
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Author: Steve Litt
Date: 2015-08-23 15:27 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] frontend GUI implementation
On Sun, 23 Aug 2015 15:20:49 +0100
Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:

> Although I have a working Lazarus written frontend, I am getting the
> message, it may not be accepted in Devuan, for the reason it is
> written in Lazarus Pascal. Therefore, I am considering taking the leap
> of trying to rewrite it for GTK2 or GTK3, the implementation language
> being C++.
> However, this is a high hurdle for me, and I cannot be confident I
> even succeed.
> In the case of opting to use GTK2 or GTK3, I will need an IDE to
> create the graphical interfaces.

GTK* is, imho, too big a hammer for writing this simple back end. It
would pull in thousands of lines of code.

Ask about Py/Tk, and whether *that* would be accepted. Even Zenity:
Would that be accepted? Zenity would mean you could code your front end
as shellscripts, although the resulting user interface would look a
little like a 1989 DOS pseudo-windowing interface.

Another suggestion, if you'd like to use C, is the libsx package: VERY
lightweight GUI. Here's a no-systemd notification system, using libsx,
that a guy on Debian-User wrote:


The preceding link has detailed build instructions.

IMHO GTK* and Qt* are waaaay overkill.


Steve Litt
August 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts