:: Re: [DNG] Systemd Shims
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Auteur: Steve Litt
Date: 2015-08-15 20:19 -000
À: dng
Nouveaux-sujets: [DNG] Wireless configuration tools (was: Re: Systemd Shims)
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Systemd Shims

On Sun, 16 Aug 2015 00:08:11 +0200
shraptor <shraptor@???> wrote:

> On 2015-08-15 18:01, Steve Litt wrote:

> >>
> >>      Please, Steve, provide us with all you mentionned, as an
> >> alternative to mainstream bloated/infected stuff. Since Devuan is
> >> all about freedom, this is the place where to deliver to the
> >> world. As soon as I can install Devuan on metal, I'll be one of
> >> your testers.

> >>
> >>      Didier

> >
> > OK. What should come first?
> >
> > * Automounter?
> > * No-dbus replacement for NetworkManager/Wicd?
> > * Other?
> >
> > Please keep in mind, I'm not a good enough programmer to write a
> > substitute for Gimp or Gnome. Let's keep the first one simple and
> > easy so I can actually do it, in a reasonable timeframe, without
> > adversely impacting my real work.

> I would be interested in
> * No-dbus replacement for NetworkManager/Wicd
> Are you thinking a C program?

HECK no! There's no requirement for this program to be fast, and I want
to make it easy on myself. Python probably, with the minimum Python
addons, and only addons that ship with Python itself.

If people really hate the Python dependency (I thought almost everyone
installs Python anyway), perhaps I could make it out of shellscripts,
awk and the like.

> daemon and user interface/GUI separation?

I'm not sure whether an actual daemon would be needed, but either way,
the user interface would be a separate program from the thing that
reveals the wifi transmitters, deals with wpa-supplicant and iwlist,
etc. I'd probably make one curses interface, and one GUI. I *might*
even do them with dialog and zenity.

But I'd need *a lot* more people wanting it to do it. The way Devuan
does Wicd right now means making this program isn't personally urgent.


Steve Litt
August 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts