:: Re: [DNG] Will there be a MirDevuan…
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Author: Didier Kryn
Date: 2015-07-23 19:33 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] Will there be a MirDevuan "WTF"?

     Le 23/07/2015 22:44, James Powell a écrit :

> So exactly what do we use in place of D-Bus as a replacement Userspace
> IPC handler and protocol that is Generic to POSIX systems and UNIX?
> If we rip out D-Bus what do we use in it's place that is drop in
> compatible? You're talking about tearing apart a LOT of packages just
> to satisfy a grievance.

     The main idea discussed here was to manage to not need it, not at 
all to replace it :-)

> This is outside the scope and mission statement of Devuan, and I'm
> sorry if you dislike D-Bus so much, but it is accepted and POSIX
> compliant software. It's not perfect, but are any protocols that allow
> interapplication and interprocess communication across a system and
> network going to be not be complex to work?
> Again, a witch hunt on software is not necessary, needed, or
> appropriate for Devuan.

     Full agreement. This was just a friendly off topic discussion.