Author: Michelle Konzack Date: 2015-07-22 04:55 -000 To: dng Subject: Re: [DNG] Interesting comment from a kernel developer
Hello *,
2015-07-22 3:07 GMT+02:00 Go Linux <golinux@???>:
> What is this about 'baroque init scripts' and wanting to have only ONE
> option? Rather prescient in light of where we are now . . .
This mean, Debian has droped anything and now users AND developers have to
bother with crappy "systemd".
Some days ago I have updated an Etch system release by release to Jessie
and now, nothing is working anymore! Have killed Jessie and installed in
the Last two days a new Wheeze MiniITX machine and now anything is working
as expected.
I will do anything to get rid of "systemd"!!! It is a nightmare!