:: Re: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: R…
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Autor: James Powell
Data: 2015-07-16 17:10 -000
A: Steve Litt, dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: Re: bummer
The thing about OpenEC scripts are is that they can be generalized for any distribution and work off of configuration files.

Nobody ever said any init script is supposed to be easy. Init is complex, but it is supposed to have some complexity due to the fact you are starting and stopping critical system services.

For complex services like udev it will be hell. For simpler services like cups it might not be. But init will have some level of complexity but once you have it right, you can literally baby it along.

Also eudev and udev should be interchangeable with OpenRC. I use a very custom Slackware box with OpenRC, eudev, and some other stuff, but it's not a pain.

As far as Funtoo? Funtoo is a nice system. Run either experimental or unstable for the newest stuff. Used it and loved it, but hard to figure out the 'use' arguments at times.

I just stuck with LFS+ZFS+OpenRC personally.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Steve Litt<mailto:slitt@troubleshooters.com>
Sent: ‎7/‎16/‎2015 10:28 AM
To: dng@???<mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>
Subject: Re: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: Re: bummer

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:07:46 -0400 (EDT)
Rob Owens <rowens@???> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Steve Litt" <slitt@???>

> > I did a lot of work with Gentoo over the weekend, and from my
> > perspective, although Gentoo inits with OpenRC, it seems to default
> > to udev, not eudev, and there's way to much systemd type stuff for
> > my taste. They even have those wonderful "Predictable Network
> > Interface Names"
> > (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/).
> > Silly me, I thought eth0 was predictable.
> >
> > I know I can get back eth0 with a kernel argument, but I'm just
> > illustrating how var Gentoo has gone down the systemd path.
> Steve,
> If you're interested, give Funtoo a try. I've been using it lately
> and I like it. It uses OpenRC and eudev. The maintainers have a
> fairly anti-systemd stance.

Thanks Rob. Funtoo is next on my list. I failed at my last Funtoo
attempt because I couldn't get a bootloader configured, so I could only
use it by booting with System Rescue CD and chrooting.

So the last couple days I went back and learned more about LILO, and
I'm ready to try Funtoo again. Like Devuan itself, Funtoo has made a
statement that it will never use Systemd.

> I am of the belief that sysvinit isn't all that bad, and I'd rather
> use it than learn something new.

:-) Systemctl and Journalctl are old?

But yeah, I know what you mean.

> But I've found OpenRC relatively
> easy to understand and work with.


Once I get Funtoo working, my first step will be to alt-init using
either Epoch, s6, runit, or Suckless Init + daemontools-encore +

You know, the systemd fanboiz back on Debian-User were right about one
thing: Sysvinit is old, complicated, and a mess. OpenRC *requires*
sysvinit or something very much like it as PID1, and then for process
management substantially reproduces a lot of sysvinit's problems, such
as the init scripts from hell.

Can you imagine a Funtoo box with a really simple init? The ultimate in

NOTE: Nothing I said in this email should be construed to be a vote
against Devuan defaulting to sysvinit. Our devs have hundreds of years
of accumulated experience with sysvinit, so sysvinit is the obvious
choice. Those who prefer to alt-init can do so easily, because unlike
systemd distros, the alternate init is a plug replacement, and you
don't need to tear out vast swathes of the former init system.


Steve Litt
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
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