:: Re: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: R…
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Autore: T.J. Duchene
Data: 2015-07-09 06:23 -000
To: 'James Powell', 'dng'
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: Re: bummer

From: James Powell [mailto:james4591@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 2:37 PM
To: T.J. Duchene; 'dng'
Subject: RE: [DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: Re: bummer

I also do not think recreating SVCHOST is wise. I followed Windows since 2000 and since then SVCHOST has pulled in more and more growing the system requirements exponentially from 266mhz and 32mb RAM to 1 GHz and 1 GB RAM. This should NOT be done in GNU/Linux.

That is really a massive oversimplification. You really have to remember that you are demanding the computer perform an average of 50+ processes at any given time. You can’t blame SVCHOST for that. The credit for that goes to people demanding more. If you want less resource use, people should start monotasking.

Systemd is not the answer to GNU/Linux any more than BusyBox is, and by all technicality, systemd is just an unmatured BusyBox.

While there are some analogies, systemd is definitely not an “unmatured BusyBox”.

I don't know how things will end, but I can say this, once udev is broken by vdev, and it will be, things will change because of kdbus issues. However, if kdbus being moved into udev to replace netlink will kill eudev futures, vdev will be there without kdbus doing the same work.

I wouldn’t guess. I do think that everyone concerned about ldbus is overly concerned at this point. Frankly, even if the worst comes to pass and kdbus is accepted into the kernel, I find the whole situation somewhat hilarious. Everyone is so concerned about systemd/kdbus when you can always apply the ultimate sanction and patch to remove them. That is the whole point of opensource.

My personal solution to the whole FLOS/Systemd/kdbus problem was to realize that I actually don’t care if Linux goes off the deep end. It’s going to happen whether I am there or not, and it is pretty clear that they are retreading the same ground that brought down Microsoft. So I decided that I use computers to perform tasks. Generally most of code for applications are written with a cross-platform kit like Qt and generally POSIX. As a programmer, I can either port them to whatever I am using or run them in a VM.

What Linux does to itself is less of a concern. I watch, wait, and have wonderful conversations with people such as yourself, but I certainly do not lose sleep over Linux’s future.