:: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XVII - Wh…
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Author: etech3
Date: 2015-03-31 11:15 -000
To: dng
Subject: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XVII - Where no toy has gone before
# Devuan Weekly News Issue XVII

__Volume 02, Week 12, Devuan Week 17__

Released 03/31/12015 [HE](why-he)


## Editorial

### Where no toy has gone before...

We mourn the passing of actor Leonard Nimoy, most famous for his role as
Star Trek's Vulcan science officer Mr. Spock. The sci-fi classic served
as an inspiration for many at [NASA][1].

"Leonard Nimoy was an inspiration to multiple generations of engineers,
scientists, astronauts, and other space explorers. As Mr. Spock, he made
science and technology important to the story, while never failing to
show, by example, that it is the people around us who matter most."

Thanks goes out to everyone who helps on the DWN


## Last Week in Devuan

### [vdev status update][3]

As in other weeks, Jude posted to the list the weekly vdev status
update. Very interesting read.

### [Puppy Linux-related thoughts...][4]

Isaac Dunham started a post that there may be some guidelines from Puppy
Linux for building a small, lightweight, fast, and relatively easy to
use system, even for total Linux newbies. Includes a link to
distrowatch.com on an antiX Jessie beta without systemd.

Apollia had a related post about Gobo Linux, Puppy [Linux.][5]

### [Why daemontools is so cool][7]

Steve Litt started this post listing some features he likes in
daemontools. A lot of followup posts.

### [Any plans to provide xinit without the systemd hacks?][8]

### [Is libudev-compat ready for testing][9]

shraptor shraptor (or Scooby) saw Jude had committed some code and asked
if libudev-compat is ready for testing. He further asked if there was
there any testing done on vagrant image?

Jude replied that it's not quite ready - it's not yet ABI-compatible
with libudev (but it is API-compatible).

Jaromil commented that sounds great. libudev-compat is the last thing
standing in the way of removing systemd packages completely AFAIK

### [Another reason why I am considering Devuan][11]

It was pointed out that Debian had a systemd-related bug regarding DNS
with follow ups relating to name server set up.


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Read you next week!

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