:: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd a…
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Auteur: Robert Storey
Date: 2015-03-21 21:36 -000
À: dng
Sujet: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
Hopefully, it's just a rumor, though it sounds real.

Indeed, I've been wondering why RMS hasn't commented on systemd long ago
when it became obvious that it would effectively dump his beloved Hurd
project into the trash can. If he really called someone a "troll" for
asking his opinion of systemd, then my feeling about RMS has gone down a
couple of notches.

Well, RMS doesn't do anymore development work as far as I know, so maybe
his opinion doesn't matter. Still, as a well-known time-honored
spokesperson for "free software" (I know he doesn't want us calling it
"open source") I would have expected better. Pity.
