:: Re: [Dng] release names
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Author: hellekin
Date: 2015-03-05 02:57 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [Dng] release names
On 03/04/15 23:23, Gravis wrote:
>> So, basically we will be using mithology for names.

*** Although Homer was verbose on names, I doubt he ever reached
670,000. Once the astronomers depleted the stock of gods, semi-gods,
muses, spirits, heroes and so forth, they ventured into baptizing space
objects after actual people's names.

One day everyone will have their own star. That is, if the Mormons keep
feeding their database, NSA keeps recording every digital fart ever made
by humans, and we don't blow ourselves out into oblivion.

When you think of it, long after the Internet is shutdown, future
archeologists will rely on the gossip and mass-mediocrity of our times
to figure out the civilization that made space travel possible;
reconstructed issues from hundreds of salvaged copies of People magazine
will still haunt the dreams of scientists trying to solve the mystery of
our global failure.

These people... were killing evolved carbon-oxygen converters to print
blurry pictures of the underwear of insignificant members of their
species. They were breeding heroes on glossy paper and cocaine,
defining the future waving oil-based plastic flags in unison as their
elected gods passing by in armored vehicles at a safe distance, showing
their made-up smirking faces on giant displays, were deciding their fate
inventing problems that did not exist before. How they could reach
beyond their home planet's atmosphere remains a speculative and highly
controversial research field.


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