:: Re: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XI
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Author: hellekin
Date: 2015-02-27 20:06 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XI
On 02/27/15 16:16, Ста Деюс wrote:
> It is swear to me, and can/ be for others.

*** *I* used "kickass" in the common slang meaning of "very good or
impressive", or "very effective". As a non-native English speaker as
well, it didn't occur to me that it was impolite to do so, and
apparently the people who worked on this issue were not shocked either.
As was mentioned before, anyone is welcome to participate in the
editing process of the DWN, so I recommend that you join us on Monday so
that such offense does not happen again.


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