:: Re: [Dng] About Devuan's audience
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Author: Nuno Magalhães
Date: 2015-02-18 20:26 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [Dng] About Devuan's audience
Didn't know this thread was poll-ish.

I use/administer/whatever 100 machines at the moment: 11 run linux,
the other 1 (my laptop) runs windows while still in warranty (and
because in a realistic world i have to deal with Microsoft Office,
although i've heard its 2003 version runs well in WINE). Of the 11
linux boxes:
* 1 is my desktop which currently runs Whezzy with care taken every
time i issue an apt-get install. This machine's been mostly for
testing as some of its drives don't play along with the mobo's BIOS so
i'll have to postpone ZFS for the moment and stick to RAID5 once i
replace those drives. Later it'll be my home server.
* Another 1 is a VPS, running Debian stable.
* The other 1 is my work laptop which soon will run some other linux
instead of the current ubuntu (which i dislike).

I've been a regular user for probably around 10 years, alergic to
behemoth DEs, not alergic to CLI or compiling stuff from source when
even Sid is way behind, considering Slackware, Gentoo and/or LFS to
try out new stuff, learn stuff and find good replacements for Debian
(i'm not a distro-hoper, but that will very likely change). Yes,
Devuan will be on that list. :) I'm also considering OpenBSD and
OpenIndiana, assuming i have time to tinker.

I have a lot of curiosity and too little time, but i'll help if i can.

I'm here because i want choice and i like stuff to be modular and
open, not closed and monolithic (unless we're talking about Clarke's
