:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is s…
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Auteur: Alicia Cruz
Datum: 2015-02-06 13:36 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
Ross didn't actually get charged with murder I thought? And was convicted
on drug trafficking, hacking, and money laundering. Julia, do you have a
full list of what the conviction was?

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Julia Tourianski <juliatourianski@???
> wrote:

> He was confident because "I have an answer for everything"
> unfortunately the defense was not allowed to present half of their
> evidence , and half of their witnesses were not allowed to speak either.
> His fait was sealed before it even started.
> On Feb 5, 2015 10:17 PM, "Juan S. Galt" <eljuangalt@???> wrote:
>> I've yet to look a the evidence presented at the trial, havn't had time.
>> However, the CIA has admitted to false flag operations and Its hard to
>> argue that it is above them to do such a thing in this case, particularly
>> given how the Silk Road arguable threatens the status quo in regards to the
>> war on drugs.
>> So, without looking at the evidence, my loyalty is with Ross. However, if
>> those threats were indeed made, and Ross made them, than yes, that alone
>> would deserve moral judgment and appropriate social action.
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Mathias Groennebaek <mathias@???
>> > wrote:
>>> Have I missed something, or did the defence not really provide any
>>> particular proof of Ross not having ordered the hit on several people? And
>>> if so, why is it so hard to understand why he has been convicted, when
>>> there is an ample amount of proof that he did indeed do so?
>>> From a moral perspective, anyone involved in a murder should in my
>>> honest opinion be convicted of their crimes. The silk road trial and a
>>> discussion in general about drugs and their legality is a separate matter
>>> entirely to me.
>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Juan S. Galt <eljuangalt@???>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Anyone with enough mind to think about it for a few minutes knows this
>>>> trial has been rigged from the start.
>>>> "It is important to note that since there is no victim to Ross’s
>>>> alleged illegal activity this court case is not founded on contract law.
>>>> And given the 500+ variations of cannabis that was traded on the Silk Road,
>>>> it’s hard to say it was even anti-democratic with the plant being one of
>>>> the most popular recreational and medicinal drugs, which after decades of
>>>> controversy remains illegal."
>>>> http://cointelegraph.com/news/113393/dread-pirate-roberts-imprisonment-vs-innovation-op-ed
>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Brian Hoffman <brian@???>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Touche
>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:23 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What's reddit?
>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:22 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <brian@???> wrote:
>>>>>> Meh it's just fun times. Don't tell me all the Reddit babble has you
>>>>>> rattled. I'm just messing with you.
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:18 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Brian, if I don't know better I'd say you were being snide.
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:10 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <brian@???>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> And he endorses you for Bitcoin Foundation board as a result of your
>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:04 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> As I've said before, I support him because of what he is accused.
>>>>>>> Not despite it.
>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:02 PM, "Adam B. Levine" <adam@???>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Does whether or not Ross did what he is being accused of and tried
>>>>>>>> for, matter?
>>>>>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>>>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>>>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Julia Tourianski <
>>>>>>>> juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I watched his father breakdown on the phone with Ross's sister and
>>>>>>>>> my world has been frozen since that moment. I cannot imagine their pain
>>>>>>>>> even after witnessing it. His mother is staying very strong, it's not over
>>>>>>>>> for her.
>>>>>>>>> One of the jury members was smiling when they announced it. I'm so
>>>>>>>>> disappointed in the basic nature of the common, the "Justice" machine did
>>>>>>>>> its job today. ..
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 5:42 PM, "Cody R Wilson" <codywilson@???>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Take heart. We knew this part was likely. We find the real battle
>>>>>>>>>> in challenging the US' acquisition of the server info.
>>>>>>>>>> Can't argue the facts, but we can put them to proof on the law.
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 4:40 PM, "Alicia Cruz" <accruz44@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> :(
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Matt <millsdmb@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Guilty on all charges :(:(
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 23, 2015 12:49 PM, "Andrew Miller" <amiller@???>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > um by the way, did anyone notice what is happening in Puerto
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rico with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the Bitcoin Foundation and that ZeroCash project, which did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> present at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the prior FinCrypto, is noticeably ABSENT from this upcoming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one? See:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > http://fc15.ifca.ai (yeah, interesting read)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think your point is that because there's no research paper
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zerocash or an extension being presented at FC or the bitcoin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> workshop, that it might be being squelched/unwelcome somehow
>>>>>>>>>>>>> by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> foundation influence there? That's not the case... members of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> zerocash team will be there and will probably present a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> development
>>>>>>>>>>>>> update of some kind at the rump session.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you're also suggesting that because the Bitcoin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Foundation is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a sponsor of the FC conference that it's corrupted by it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> influence.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think that's the case... it's an academic research
>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a panel of researchers reviews (blindedly) the papers that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> submit, and selects the ones that are technically best. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> haven't seen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any evidence of corruption in this process but I'd be happy to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any questions you have about it. This conference originated
>>>>>>>>>>>>> during the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> first crypto wars, when cryptography was on the verge becoming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> illegal; kowtowing to anti-privacy interested would be perverse
>>>>>>>>>>>>> against its culture. Also there's a session in the bitcoin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> workshop
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about (improving) Bitcoin privacy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://fc15.ifca.ai/bitcoin/schedule.html
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>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Mathias Grønnebæk
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