:: Re: [Dng] CNC (ot: one more on keyr…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2014-12-27 10:26 -000
Para: dng
Tópicos Antigos: [Dng] CNC
Assunto: Re: [Dng] CNC (ot: one more on keyring and AFK presence)

dear Gordon,

on the keyring issue:

On Fri, 26 Dec 2014, Gordon Haverland wrote:

> If the only people you want building packages need to at some point
> need to travel to swap keys, I am limited to where I can drive to from

this won't be the case. About the previous thread on the issue, please
note discussions on this mailinglists are not authoritative for project
policy. Also consider that many VUAs have never met in person, yet there
is a strong trust among us because of common friends and long-term
frequentation of the same fora.

there will likely be a convention / gathering / hackaton and get
together of sorts in 2015, but I doubt AFK participation will ever be
mandatory to participate and be part of Devuan.


Jaromil, Dyne.org Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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