:: [unSYSTEM] My Unsystem End of Year …
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Author: odinn
Date: 2014-12-25 08:17 -000
To: unsystem >> System undo crew
Subject: [unSYSTEM] My Unsystem End of Year Key Review of gpg keys expiry (general)

Rather than make a big thread on this, I'll just note the following:

If your key is going to or appears to have very recently expired
you'll get a e-mail from me, maybe not this year, but probably next
year sometime early in 2015. If it's still possible for me to gpg
e-mail you as best I can tell, then I'll do so privately - probably in

I won't suggest what others do on the subject, but I will note that
I'll send to you privately (note I use Thunderbird, Enigmail and
Torbirdy most recent version at this point), I've observed the following:

- - My own keys if you check them, will show as signed but not encrypted
because I won't contact you apart from this list _on this key issue_
unless your keys are about to expire. Note that my keys don't show as
having an obvious expiration issue, because I have modified / extended
them to not expire. If your keys appear to be set not to expire, I'll
check to be sure, so that I know or understand what's happening with
them better.
- - I don't use keybase.io/odinn key for back and forth e-mail
encryption at this time, that's intentional. I use the following
(public key block (associated with my riseup e-mail) which you can

When I go to my terminal, I do this:

gpg --list-keys

I get back and I see a bunch of keys that either:
- - will expire before the end of the year (and are associated with
Unsystem forum, inclusive of software development), or,
- - have expired.

Maybe this is wonderful and there are keys being used which are being
used that have never been published to anyone and are only shared
between a few of you, but it does make one wonder. There should be
some way for people to communicate in a way that is a bit more open
while also ensuring that our communications are more protected. I
don't want to say this is easy because it isn't.

So without further ado this is a request for what keys we should:

Discard as being "Not Good Anymore" for unsystem
Consider as being "good now" for us
Note there is a thread on this so maybe it's just as simple as posting
which one is actually good for you.
Let's do this without insults and just please provide your keys or
suggestions on process here in the e-mail thread.


- -Odinn

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