> The proposed site is rather visually appealing and I like that you went with the star/Jabbah idea. But useability is an issue with the current iteration. The whiteish font on an muted image background is VERY hard to read. I got around this problem on the Refracta site (which also uses a sky image) like this:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/refracta/
> Also there is waaay too much real estate wasted on the header - a major portion of the content should be 'above the fold'. There is also too much space between the sections. As I scroll down I feel like I'm seeing a scrolling prologue for a 'space' themed movie when all I want is clear information not a Hollywood production.
> And finally, the D in Devuan is creative but the font is too tubby/heavy/squished for this light/airy theme and the italic slant is not harmonious with the rest of the vertical typography.
Thank you very much for this high-quality feedback. Each point is valid
and will provide food for thoughts and enhancements.
After more feedback was provided on IRC, it appears I didn't clearly
mention 2 things :
*# The font Fira is free as in **/libre/**.
*It was funded by Mozilla and has a free SIL Open Font License
(OFL) [1] *
/Excerpt: "Font Software released under the OFL complies with the
// Debian Free Software Guidelines
*# My work is free as in **/libre.
/* It's released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 [3]
/ /You can get a copy of the source (vectorial Inkscape PDF & HTML)
on Github[2], fork it, tweak it, test changes, submit them, merge them
at will.
Note : sadly, there's an itch. The background image source is
probably not CC. Needs to be fixed.