:: Re: [Dng] Release Names
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Lähettäjä: Vince Mulhollon
Päiväys: 2014-12-08 15:04 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [Dng] Release Names
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:31 AM, hellekin <hellekin@???> wrote:

> would amount to support a colonialist vision

My idea, which no one likes, of using a model year as a release name, is,
in its Gregorian calendar-ish-ness, going to be too white. So"Devuan 2015"
is likely out.

Ditto I'm guessing you're not going to go for "Année 224 de la République"
given the French experience in Africa and Asia.

We could date a release in the Hebrew calendar which would be
(optimistically) "Devuan 5775". That might still be too white-oppressor.
Also its going to imply perfect hebrew language and utf-8 support, not to
mention perfect localization and internationalization, which might be hard
to achieve.

I think our best overall, anti-western, anti-white calendar option would be
the Islamic calendar, in which case the next release would optimistically
be called "Devuan 1437". I could see that.

There is a nice javascript page of calendar converters to experiment with at


Hopefully some kind of compromise could be possible with a non-western
chronological timestamp as the very convenient release name.

Remember, Debian made many more mistakes than just the big one of a giant
bear hug of systemd. Now's a great time to fix the minor wishlist bugs,
and there's quite a few of them.