:: Re: [Dng] GNOME and GDM
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Autor: vladislav Ivanov
Data: 2014-12-05 16:28 -000
Dla: Franco Lanza
CC: dng
Temat: Re: [Dng] GNOME and GDM
Thanks for that Franco, I am glad somebody here does not scream 'hate'
whenever there is criticism involved.

I propose that we adopt as loose a coupling as possible as our policy 0, if
a hard-coupled package is introduced we need to isolate as much of its
dependencies as possible or modify the code to make it work without extra
bloatware and lockinware.
I merely propose that we do not bother with GNOME for the tim3 being
because it will require a lot of extra work to clean up the code IMO.
On Dec 5, 2014 7:21 PM, "Franco Lanza" <nextime@???> wrote:

> > On Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 02:54:09PM +0200, Vlad wrote:
> > > I would propose that we do not waste any time with GDM, GNOME or
> > > anything else that has sprung out of that irresponsible organizations
> > > other than gtk.
> >
> > There's so much hate going on in within Devuan, it is rather ridiculous.
> > This is a public mailing list!
> Hello. this can be considered a sort of official answer by devuan.
> IN devuan there is NO hate. There is people around us that HATE both
> systemd and GNOME. WE DON'T. We just think the our direction isn't the
> same as the distro that adopt systemd, and we are working to remove it
> from debian to make our devuan.
> We will NOT use gnome as default CAUSE of systemd integration with
> gnome, but we WILL provide gnome and also at least some systemd
> components ( shim? logind? others? ) as OPTIONS to be used in case a
> user CHOOSE to use them and gnome.
> IF we will have enough manpower and someone will want to work on patches
> and/or systemd components sobstitutes that are KISS and stand alone
> without systemd dependencies, like someone is now working on a logind
> sobstitute, we will use it instead of systemd things. If we will have
> patches, we will try to contribute also to gnome with them.
> End of the story, no hate, just our goals can differ and we will do the
> best to offer all options we can to anyone.
> --
> Franco (nextime) Lanza
> Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - Italy
> SIP://casa@???
> web: http://www.nexlab.net
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