:: Re: [Dng] GNOME and GDM
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Author: Franco Lanza
Date: 2014-12-05 16:21 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [Dng] GNOME and GDM
> On Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 02:54:09PM +0200, Vlad wrote:
> > I would propose that we do not waste any time with GDM, GNOME or
> > anything else that has sprung out of that irresponsible organizations
> > other than gtk.
> There's so much hate going on in within Devuan, it is rather ridiculous.
> This is a public mailing list!

Hello. this can be considered a sort of official answer by devuan.

IN devuan there is NO hate. There is people around us that HATE both
systemd and GNOME. WE DON'T. We just think the our direction isn't the
same as the distro that adopt systemd, and we are working to remove it
from debian to make our devuan.

We will NOT use gnome as default CAUSE of systemd integration with
gnome, but we WILL provide gnome and also at least some systemd
components ( shim? logind? others? ) as OPTIONS to be used in case a
user CHOOSE to use them and gnome.

IF we will have enough manpower and someone will want to work on patches
and/or systemd components sobstitutes that are KISS and stand alone
without systemd dependencies, like someone is now working on a logind
sobstitute, we will use it instead of systemd things. If we will have
patches, we will try to contribute also to gnome with them.

End of the story, no hate, just our goals can differ and we will do the
best to offer all options we can to anyone.


Franco (nextime) Lanza
Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - Italy
web: http://www.nexlab.net

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