:: Re: [Dng] Devuan Logo
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Author: Gregory Smith
Date: 2014-12-01 06:15 -000
To: Miles Fidelman
CC: dng
Subject: Re: [Dng] Devuan Logo
"I don't know where the notion that people don't like real
world objects as logos comes from ... can you say "Apple"?"

Russians associate Apple with the original sin.

I really think the round+red sort of abstract logo should be whats
aimed for, even if it's not the spellcasters circle that was shown
before. Definitly red and abstract.

Devuan is to be what Debian used to be, so this should be shown in all things.

Also If the artist who made that logo above could opensource it I
could use it for spell casting in one of my games :P

Also I can't seem to send directly to the mailing list. I wanted to
send a mail countering the people saying Devuan should include the
init system that shall not be named.

On 12/1/14, Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@???> wrote:
> Wouldn't that kind of say "FreeBSD?" http://www.freebsd.org/
> Rudy Lorren wrote:
>> Why not just a fork or a trident? With the same Debian red.
>> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 10:11 PM, handygeek@???
>> <mailto:handygeek@nevils-station.com> <handygeek@???
>> <mailto:handygeek@nevils-station.com>> wrote:
>>     Ouch! That assaulted my eyeballs.  :-)

>>     Seriously, it doesn't "feel friendly" as another poster described,
>>     and I don't gather any information from the design.

>>     Since I'm not a coder I'm adding a little feedback where I can.

>>     It seems to me that a logo can, and should, work with the
>>     vision.

>>     I don't know where the notion that people don't like real
>>     world objects as logos comes from ... can you say "Apple"?

>>     David

>>     > I like this one:
>>     > http://k30.kn3.net/2/1/A/4/F/A/3BD.jpg
>>     >
>>     > Debian logo is good because it's abstract and round and red.
>>     > Devuan should keep those principals.
>>     > People don't like mice, horses, pigs, etc as logos.

>>     >

>>     >

>>     --
>>     David Colburn - Nevils, Georgia USA

>>     Web Site: http://nevils-station.com/
>>     Techno-Life Blog: http://kd4e.com/techno-life/
>>     Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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