:: Re: [Dng] Fwd: Re: [debianfork] Do…
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著者: Zak Fenton
日付: 2014-11-28 13:37 -000
To: Franco Lanza, dng@lists.dyne.org
題目: Re: [Dng] Fwd: Re: [debianfork] Don't panic and keep forking Debian™!
I've been watching them on GitHub and they're definitely working as we speak. It does seem to be a legitimate effort upon close inspection, however for such a bold project the site needs a lot more attention to detail. For example (in Chrome, of course) when I click the donation link:

"Google Safe Browsing recently detected phishing on devuan.org. Phishing sites pretend to be other websites to trick you.

If you understand the risks to your security, you may visit this infected site."

Something I'd also like to see is an official statement to the systemd and/or Debian developers, of the form "we are not here to attack your work, we just want to retain freedom to choose different init systems". 

Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 15:13:55 +0100
From: nextime@???
To: dng@???
Subject: Re: [Dng] Fwd: Re: [debianfork] Don't panic and keep forking Debian™!

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 01:53:13PM +0000, Roger Leigh wrote:
> I certainly agree here. Particularly when it comes to accepting
> donations, accountability and transparency *are* important. This
> information is absent:
> - the organisation receiving the money
> - information about the organisation itself, including who is
> running it and who will be responsible for the finances
> - what the donations will be used for
> The latter doesn't need to be in exacting detail, but I think it's
> important to justify why you need donations, and for donors to be
> confident this is legitimate and not a scam; right now that's not
> possible to determine objectively as an outsider.

I agree too on trasparency, but please, consider we are in hurry to do a
lot of things, so, before to tag it as spam, give us some time to
organize all things and give us the benefit of dubt.

If you have concerns, just wait few days.


Franco Lanza
My blog: http://www.nexlab.it
email: nextime@???
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