:: Re: [unSYSTEM] wealth redistributio…
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Auteur: odinn
Datum: 2014-10-20 00:51 -000
Aan: unsystem
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] wealth redistribution and the rule of law

I don't want to waste energy typing in my own words here what someone
else has written in a way that I think would enhance understanding of
this subject in a better way than if I were to comment further on it.

With that said, I think you really need to read (and carefully
re-read) the following article, which I submit may well enhance your
understanding of this matter substantially:


- -Odinn

Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
> I have a hypotheses which has been percolating in the back of my
> mind for some time now and I thought now is a good time to share
> it.
> For all that libertarian systems offer in theory, they have a
> distinct problem that when it comes to practice. Unless you
> consider Texas a utopia, libertarian utopias don't really exist and
> I wanted to study how something which looks so good on paper
> manages to fail so completely in practice.
> To be ruled by law, as opposed to being ruled by men, means to me
> that nobody can just order your execution or imprisonment without
> dire consequences. Given wealth and power are interchangeable, if
> you live in a country where one person controls 99% of the wealth
> of the nation, there is no rule of law. He can just simply up the
> government and whatever checks and balances you put in place he can
> undo or subvert. Judges, as impartial as they might like to be, do
> not live in a vacuum and challenging a de-facto dictator is not
> good for one's health.
> Therefore, wealth redistribution is not about paying alms to the
> poor but about making sure that nobody amasses such power as to
> threaten society as a whole.
> tl;dr wealth and power are interchangeable, wealth/power pools up
> in certain lucky and industrious individuals, without
> redistributing it, democracies devolve into oligarchies and then
> eventually into monarchy or chaos. The US is in the oligarchy
> phase. _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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