:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Pew Pew Pew
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Autor: Caleb James DeLisle
Data: 2014-10-04 16:14 -000
Dla: System undo crew
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] Pew Pew Pew
Not the cheapest attack.

If the NSA cares whose making guns, they'll just ask the post office
who's ordering the bolt and barrel.

Makers of the bolt and barrel will (if not already) start patterning
their pieces uniquely so a bullet or cartage can be traced to the
barrel and bolt which was used. Individual bullets will probably
become traceable too, but it doesn't matter.

When we can print physical objects; borders, customs and prohibitions
become exercises in absurdity... but so does physical property <3

Anyone going to the c3 ?

On 10/04/2014 08:15 AM, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> Okay, I went over-the-top with the pre-trojaned silicon stuff. I still
> think it's a big issue, but not the biggest one here.
> Ghostgunner is great for freedom to make stuff. But please do not
> imagine it is 'anonymous'. What about the toolmarks?
> http://www.dfs.virginia.gov/laboratory-forensic-services/firearms-toolmarks/
> The CNC is going to leave a LOT of evidence on which ghost gunner mill
> made which receiver in the form of tool marks. Whats worse is that since
> so few people understand tool marks, the government hired 'experts' can
> just make shit up and juries will buy it.
> If you really want to choke the totalstate bastards you need to provide
> some good forensic science on how to defend against fake toolmark matches.
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