:: Re: [unSYSTEM] arrogance of those w…
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Author: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
Date: 2014-10-01 18:47 -000
To: System undo crew
Old-Topics: Re: [unSYSTEM] arrogance of this list
Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] arrogance of those who say I don't want to be too dramatic or anything
I don't want to be too dramatic or anything, but I think that mission
creep is probably not very applicable here (just my own thought on the
matter), free speech in any form matters, and there's a lot going on
that's not mentioned on mailing lists, for good reason.

Anyway, back to it

On 2014-10-01 13:43, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> I don't mean to be too dramatic or anything, but the unsystem may
> be entirely unable to perform it's stated mission if the members
> do not un-do some bullshit arrogance and mission creep.
> You'll wake up to find the feminine has killed the black dog of
> cyberwhatever while you were thumping your chests and dancing
> around about how you won the latest battle with the terrible and
> evil state.
> see
> http://books.google.com/books?id=Gmn8AgAAQBAJ&pg=PT129&lpg=PT129&dq=changing+planes+the+black+dog&source=bl&ots=xNCjfZocad&sig=DiJInPeUhnZgYpZVbjkpYO_od3Q&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n2UsVPreJ42XyAT1poCYCQ&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=changing%20planes%20the%20black%20dog&f=false
> Go fricking schedule a damned meeting with the lady and explain
> how high-frequency trading is funding ISIS, and the unsystem would
> like to offer it's collective knowledge, experience, and energy to
> track down who's making anonymous trades on the commodities and
> stock exchanges, and buying military weapons with it.
> Is this not a shared goal of both the unsystem and FINCEN?
> And don't ever call a woman a bitch if you want me to take you
> seriously.
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 09:04:53PM -0700, Odinn Cyberguerrilla wrote:
>> Folks, I don't mean to be too dramatic or anything, but it's
>> entirely possible that before the end of 2015, FinCen (though it
>> will not cease to exist) will be unable to perform its own stated
>> mission. Sure it's a part of the US Treasury and all that, but look
>> at it's long-term IT modernization efforts...
>> http://www.fincen.gov/about_fincen/wwd/ITModernizationEffortsFAQ.html
>> (It's a .gov but I'll summarize it here)
>> Basically they are still working out the details of e-filing for the
>> Bank Secrecy Act and supposedly attempting to "re-engineer the BSA
>> data architecture, update antiquated infrastructure required to
>> support data capture and dissemination, implement innovative Web
>> services and enhanced electronic filing, and provide enhanced
>> analytical tools."
>> If FinCen was really modernizing, they wouldn't be just studying
>> ring signature or "looking into it" as the coindesk article seemed
>> to imply. FinCen would be USING it. Or bitcoin. Or both!
>> By the time they figure out how to fix their own shit, the rest of
>> the world will be light years ahead of them.
>> I remember clearly (and even have a little blog and printout) of
>> (FinCen Director) Jen Shasky-Calvery's testimony from Nov. 18, 2013
>> on the US Senate Hearings on Decentralized virtual currency. She
>> said the same thing on Nov. 19, too, basically just repeating word
>> for word today what she said back then....
>> ""We work to achieve (our) mission by implementing the Bank Secrecy
>> Act... Illicit actors might decide to use virtual currency... (it's)
>> relatively anonymous.... does not typically have transaction
>> limits.... may have been created to facilitate money laundering..."
>> "(This) is not nearly theoretical..." (References Liberty Reserve,
>> Silk Road)
>> "It is also important to put virtual currency in perspective...
>> Approximately 8 billion dollars in transactions (in virtual
>> currency) over the past year."
>> "It is in the best interest of virtual currency users to comply with
>> (our) regulations..."
>> (From her statements which she repeated on Nov. 18 and 19, 2013
>> before the Senate. Same parrot-talk)
>> It's our responsibility to reach a helping hand out to those who are
>> trying to figure out how to live without things like FinCen invading
>> every square inch of their lives. Getting back to that now...
>> Just as an aside though, were it not for that zombie-like image of
>> the FinCen Director with The Flag(!!) behind it, one could almost
>> see her squatting somewhere with a bunch of hungry DW developers,
>> lounging over a screen...
>> pipe dream o possible future reality? <le sigh>
>> Anyway...
>> End the state. Autonomy is here. It's not here in the form of some
>> future far-off perfect software. It's right here, now, in the form
>> of decisions we make.
>> DW, Forward!
>> On 2014-09-30 20:33, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> >http://www.coindesk.com/fincen-director-villainize-bitcoin/
>> >
>> >"Of particular concern, Calvery said, are informal bitcoin dealers who
>> >may think they can operate outside of the agency’s oversight.
>> >
>> >“I hear reports that there are folks who say that they’ll wait and see
>> >if there’s any enforcement behind our requirements before they take it
>> >too seriously, so that’s unfortunate. I have to hear that folks want to
>> >see folks do wrong, and take action before they’re willing to comply,
>> >but we’re willing to do that if we need to,” she said."
>> >
>> >so you will need ID to trade bitcoins for fiat basically.
>> >
>> >pin minded careerist trying to one up lawsky.
>> >
>> >“We don’t start at a product and villainize a product, we
>> >villainize the
>> >bad actors and find out what they’re doing with their money.”
>> >
>> >"We ask that you think about it from an anti-money laundering (AML)
>> >perspective, what could you build in [to the technology]?"
>> >
>> >"Rather, Calvery said that bitcoin’s status as a newcomer to the
>> >financial ecosystem has made it the target of bad actors."
>> >
>> >"“When I looked through it [BitLicense], I saw a lot of concepts that I
>> >was already familiar with from New York and other places,” Calvery
>> >said."
>> >
>> >
>> >
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