:: [unSYSTEM] arrogance of this bitch
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Author: Amir Taaki
Date: 2014-10-01 01:34 -000
To: System undo crew
Subject: [unSYSTEM] arrogance of this bitch

"Of particular concern, Calvery said, are informal bitcoin dealers who
may think they can operate outside of the agency’s oversight.

“I hear reports that there are folks who say that they’ll wait and see
if there’s any enforcement behind our requirements before they take it
too seriously, so that’s unfortunate. I have to hear that folks want to
see folks do wrong, and take action before they’re willing to comply,
but we’re willing to do that if we need to,” she said."

so you will need ID to trade bitcoins for fiat basically.

pin minded careerist trying to one up lawsky.

“We don’t start at a product and villainize a product, we villainize the
bad actors and find out what they’re doing with their money.”

"We ask that you think about it from an anti-money laundering (AML)
perspective, what could you build in [to the technology]?"

"Rather, Calvery said that bitcoin’s status as a newcomer to the
financial ecosystem has made it the target of bad actors."

"“When I looked through it [BitLicense], I saw a lot of concepts that I
was already familiar with from New York and other places,” Calvery said."