:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Ive reached a plea d…
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著者: Josh Walker
日付: 2014-08-30 13:51 -000
To: System undo crew
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] Ive reached a plea deal
Potato makes as much sense as any other adjective for it. I like it.

On Saturday, August 30, 2014, Christopher Franko <chrisjfranko@???>

> Pleading guilty is never a good thing when there is a suspended sentence,
> I'd make SURE in WRITING that there is no jail time before saying yes to
> the plea. They are crooked as fuck and will say "plead guilty no one else
> has ever been to jail" then give you the max in 4 months. It's always
> bullshit when that becomes the lesser of two evils. Say you take it to
> trial youll get the fuckin max anyways. When you plead guilty they will
> make a media debacle out of it and not one time state that pleading guilty
> is usually the only strategic move. The whole fuckin system is potato.
> Being a felon however isnt really that bad. All the paper work and reach
> arounds you got to do with probation however may turn quiet constrictive
> and suffocating. Especially for someone who wants to travel alot. Anyways
> good luck buddy, hope you made the right decision.
> On 30 August 2014 08:09, Dave Hollis <noagendamarket@???
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','noagendamarket@???');>> wrote:
>> Glad to hear you will be staying out of jail.
>> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Charlie 'Charles' Shrem <
>> cshrem@??? <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','cshrem@???');>>
>> wrote:
>>> The government has offered to drop money laundering which I faced 30
>>> years and other charges if I plead guilty to aiding and abetting the
>>> operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business. I've decided to
>>> accept the offer and enter my plea this week. I want to put this behind me
>>> and stay out of jail.
>>> Thanks for everyones support. You guys have helped me overcome such an
>>> harrowing ordeal, I dont know if I would have made it to this point without
>>> the Bitcoin community. Im looking forward to seeing all of you in the
>>> coming weeks
>>> www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/29/us-usa-crime-bitcoin-idUSKBN0GT2J420140829
>>> Thanks,
>>> Charlie
>>> CharlieShrem.com | *Please **encrypt messages with my PGP key
>>> <http://charlieshrem.com/contact/>*
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