:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Former Skype COO- I …
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Skribent: Michael Parsons
Dato: 2014-05-27 15:27 -000
Til: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Former Skype COO- I love this guy
Great article Amir.
I hate it when so many lawyers and bankers to try to argue that Bitcoin must 'fit in' with existing regulation.
Bitcoin is a paradigm shift in value transfer. It's free to use like air and water.

Another Block in the Chain

"We don't need No Regulation
We don't need no Block Control
No dark Satoshi in the Blockchain
Hey! Leaders! Leave our Coins alone!"

On 27 May 2014, at 15:51, aimee@??? wrote:

The article sums it up nicely thanks for sharing Amir, being in America at the moment it is interesting there is alot of talk around regulation... Yet the same people seem to think it is a shame that Uber is being forced to regulate? go figure.... I will share this one around..

Quoting Amir Taaki <genjix@???>:

> http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-regulation-lessons-early-days-skype/
> finally someone speaks sense.

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