:: Re: [Bricolabs] TAPES TAPES TAPES
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2014-05-09 09:18 -000
Para: Bricolabs
Assunto: Re: [Bricolabs] TAPES TAPES TAPES
On Thu, 08 May 2014, asbesto wrote:

> Tue, May 06, 2014 at 04:23:55PM +0200, Jean-Noël Montagne' wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer Asbesto & all friends. I have heard many
> > times the argument: "FB is just a tool, an instrument for
> > communication and it's working well for this goal".
> > But I observe that FB is not an instrument. An instrument is
> > Now, try to show a breast of this Venus sculpture in FB. (Try to
> > Try to install an "I don't like" button in FB. Impossible in a Brave
> > There are a dozen examples like this.
> yes, but try to find a community of 1600 people that follow us
> and help us paying the bills when we're in hurry :)

indeed, in general for the sustainability of certain projects it boils
down to putting the money where you heart/mouth is. same goes for google
ads on dyne.org download pages: they damn pay off the hosting, who else
does? our dyne.org donation page receives now and then from loving
people but its far from covering costs and I'm personally spending about
2.500 EUR a year on keeping all this alive, including this and other
mailinglists, plus a lot of unpaid volunteer work.

i think part of the problem lies in the fact that money is really spent
on services and products. philantropy doesn't works and its already
polluted by marketing tactics. so? should we box our activities into
services/products and decline them in market spaces/lang in order to be

I'm also not sure. Meanwhile we are all trying different ways and most
importantly we are still not making profit a goal for our activities.

in Italy public funding is a feudal setting, but such situation is
becoming reality also for the rest of EU as national cultural funding
decays dramatically.

any good examples for ways out? don't say crowdfunding please :/ that's
just pre-order marketing. works, but then its product based still and
is not what I'm talking about.

so far I'm thinking of ways to leverage consciousness about where the
money comes from and where it goes. this could be a good approach to
currency, something Christian Nold envisioned already years ago with
BijlmerEuro but then on a way larger (Euro?) scale. Let    values flow with
the money medium, a sort of metadata that should smear the proper amount
of shit on the arm-trading suits and such.
