:: [unSYSTEM] PRESS RELEASE: Appointme…
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Author: Mike Gogulski
Date: 2013-07-02 13:51 -000
To: C4SS, System undo crew, PT-Refuge
Subject: [unSYSTEM] PRESS RELEASE: Appointment of Edward Snowden as Deputy Ambassador of the Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and the Magyars
[see also Emperor Norton's ratification at


Media Contact:
Mike Gogulski
Ambassador of the Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and the Magyars
Embassy of the Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and the Magyars
811 00 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 910 199 253
E-mail: mike@???
Skype: syadasti

2 July 2013 --- Bratislava, Slovakia --- Edward Snowden, the man accused
of blowing the whistle on pervasive American electronic spying, has been
appointed Deputy Ambassador of the Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and
the Magyars. The Ambassador, Mike Gogulski, issued the Decree of
Appointment via Twitter, and called upon "Princes, Presidents,
Potentates and Police" to guarantee Snowden's safety and safe passage:

[Copy of the official appointment decree as delivered

As Ambassador of the Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and Magyars, I do
hereby appoint Edward #Snowden as my Deputy. Deputy Ambassador to the
Court of Kanapaha Edward #Snowden enjoys diplomatic immunity under the
aegis of Emperor Norton XIII. Princes, Presidents and Potentates are
expected to accord Dep. Amb. #Snowden all the privileges, respect and
immunities due his rank. I hereby recall Deputy Ambassador #Snowden to
the Embassy premises in Bratislava, Slovakia, effective immediately.
Princes, Presidents, Potentates and Police are hereby enjoined to
refrain from interference with Dep. Amb. #Snowden's safe passage.
President Putin and his Police are thereby required to secure safe
passage for Dep. Amb. #Snowden to Bratislava without delay.

By my Hand and Seal this 2nd day of July, 2013, I, Mike Gogulski, do so
order, under the authority vested in me by Norton XIII D.G.Imp.U.S.

[illegible blue signature] [red wax seal]

[Official decree ends. Additional information from the Ambassador follows.]

Long live #Norton, by the Grace of God Emperor of these United States.

Media inquiries on today's announcement by the Diplomatic Mission of the
Court of Kanapaha to the Slavs and the Magyars: +421 910 199 253

We pray the offices of @PutinRF
<https://twitter.com/PutinRF> @PutinRF_Eng
<https://twitter.com/PutinRF_Eng> attend to the matter
inhttps://twitter.com/mikegogulski/status/352038020632936448 ... et seq.
cc:@KremlinRussia_E <https://twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E> @KremlinRussia

[Ambassador's text ends]

About the Court of Kanapaha: The Court of Kanapaha is the principal
territory, demesne and residence of Norton XIII, by the Grace of God
Emperor of these United States, as declared 1 April 2013 via Imperial
Decree. http://norton13.us/
