:: Re: [dyne:bolic] D:B IIII unauthori…
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Autor: don dondon
Datum: 2011-08-24 18:19 -000
To: dynebolic mailinglist
Betreff: Re: [dyne:bolic] D:B IIII unauthorised net access 'mir'
Well I must admit that that idea that D:B connect by it self sounds just
lige a candy to this guy.

2011/8/23 sayhi2guy@??? <sayhi2guy@???>

> Hi
> Been playing with the D:B III iso and noticed default behavior that
> might not be desirable.
> When not connected to the internet, when xfce
> starts it complains about not being able to access 'mir' & also when I
> ran sudo dpkg I got a similar verror message. I don't know if it is a
> good idea to have a service that automatically connects to the net
> without any kind of permission from the user??
> thanks
> Guy
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