Author: Adam Bogacki Date: 2011-06-23 19:13 -000 To: Adam Bogacki CC: dynebolic mailinglist Subject: Re: [dyne:bolic] network
>> hi Adam,
>> somehow there is a funny problem in this mailinglist configuration and
>> my mails are not getting through it. i'm very busy these days and
>> didn't reach to debug this problem. can you please pass this reply to
>> the list? thanks!
>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2011, Adam Bogacki wrote:
>>> I have never had trouble connecting to the net.
>>> My problem is the Dynebolic does not seem to be configured for
>>> resolutions of around 1600x800.
>> both net and resolution problems are be solved in the "semi-secret"
>> beta testing of dyne:bolic 3.0 ;^) results will be *soon* announced!
>> those who will be present at the italian hackmeeting can already ask
>> me there for a preview, it will be next week >>
>> BTW anyone here has a torrent tracker we can use to put it online?
>> it's about 1.5 GB now, dyne:bolic 3.0 runs from DVD or USB stick...
>> ciao
>> --
>> jaromil, developer, >> GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39
>> Bitcoin tip jar: 1EJYtvuq39hoWcventcnnvhPXh6i5QDReM
Adam Bogacki wrote: > I have never had trouble connecting to the net.
> My problem is the Dynebolic does not seem to be configured for
> resolutions of around 1600x800.
> Adam
> adam.bogacki@???
> don dondon wrote:
>> I surgest that the Dyne:bolic developers make it posible for the user to
>> connect to the network the same way it's done in big dist's like Debian,
>> Ubuntu and other's.