:: [dyne:bolic] OT(O): Technology and …
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Author: Dan MacDonald
To: dynebolic mailinglist
New-Topics: [dyne:bolic] stop trolling. people please don't feed the trolls.
Subject: [dyne:bolic] OT(O): Technology and Is RMS a Mason?
This is my last 'spooky' mail to this list so stop
reading now if you don't want to know the truth as its
not nice but it is healthier, if more demanding, if
you know whats really going.

> it is the goto10 designers, whom i'm sure are not
> aware of the deeper
> meaning of symbols you are mentioning. i suggest you
> forward your
> concerns to them, but also take it easy :) as after
> all this is
> cyberspace the home of cut&paste semantical
> bricolage.

I've been presuming that most of goto10 were already
subscribed to this list- are they not? By the sounds
of things they won't even include RG so I think I'm
wasting my time with pure:dyne but I hope I'm wrong on

> i do recall to have suggested to avoid certain
> references in the logos,
> as i'm also aware of some meanings you are warning
> us about, even doe
> i'm sure they should be interpreted as playing kewl
> :)

As even the troll knows, it isn't 'kewl' to
(unknowingly or not) support evil, we all seem to
agree on this.

I don't know if the same fashion fad has occured in
countries other than the UK but an alarming number of
garments for males and females featuring the skull and
crossbones or just a skull (death) as part of their
design have flooded the clothing market over here in
the last year or two. Of course people just think
'Pirates! Yeah, Johnny Depp! Cool' etc. 'Pirates'
actually stems from 'Pyra-tes' which meant 'men of
fire' (ie Lucifer) and they were masters of black
magic who were sent out by the templars to loot, rape
and pillage foreign lands. Not cool!

> besides this please let's stick to the topic of this
> list, i do think
> that even your mixture of Templars Molech and
> vampirism can pretty much
> offend anyone that has a bit more clear ideas about
> the history of
> secret societies.

Yes, I apologise for getting off topic but I think its
been worthwhile as I hope some of you have learned
something about the psychic manipulation (warfare)
that is going on all around us, under our noses yet
most are unaware.

I think its important for me to point out that the
Masons were originally a brotherhood of people
interested in esoteric matters with no evil intent
until they got infiltrated in the lates 1700's by the
Bavarian illuminati. Watch a few vids by Jordan
Maxwell- he is the worlds leading researcher and
expert on secret societies and has been researching it
for 40 years.

If you still can't believe what I say about these
Masons being involved in bloody rituals then I suggest
you read "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike (The most
highly regarded Freemason of all time) this is the
Masons 'bible' and it outlines their many horrific
rituals. Also check out "The Secret Teachings of All
Ages" by Manly P Hall which will also clearly tell you
they are a luciferic cult.

Although I'm still very much interested in FOSS, Linux
and technology (as you can tell by my presence on this
list), my current beliefs cannot let me say that
technology and computers are entirely beneficial to
humans- in fact its quite the opposite. Of course,
most know how much pollution is caused in making CPUs
and other computer hardware then on top of that is the
amount of energy these things consume- however, even
if we were able to all switch to a totally clean,
renewable energy source to power our computers
tomorrow then we still cannot escape the fact that all
technology is a crutch. There is nothing that a
computer can do that the human can't learn to do by
themselves and this is leading to the death of many
ancient arts, crafts, skills and disciplines. I see
the the internet as 'virtual telepathy'- I'd much
rather I didn't have to log-in and subscribe to an ISP
to communicate- its a temporary crutch for spiritual
or mental powers which are latent within us all.

I dropped a small bit of speculation about RMS being a
Mason himself in my last posting (the GNU being a
horned beast similar to baphomet) and I'm going
exercise my right of speech by highlighting a few
other things which indicate RMS could be a Freemason.

Firstly is the fact that he's Jewish. Not all Jews are
masons of course but you'll finds that our media and
our banks (and hence the world!) are overwhelmingly
owned by Jews and most of these are masons. This stems
from the fact that Masonry stems from the Kabbalah
which is ancient Jewish mysticism.

Also, we have the omni-presence in the oss world of
the G prefix- GNU, GPL, gcc, gtk, GNOME- this all
stems from RMS's decision to call the project GNU and
the license GPL- but why has he insisted on beginning
both acronyms with the G? Maybe its because the logo
of the freemasons also features a G? G is for
'generative'- if you look at the logo of the
freemasons it is a compass intersecting a set square-
they may tell you "Oh! Thats because we use those
tools in architecture and design" which is true, they
were originally comprised of stonemasons but it really
symbolises the unification of the male and female
reproductive organs and the magical power of sexual

In RMS defence though these secret societies have been
able to control the world by suppressing knowledge
but, as you can tell from the number of 'conspiracy'
sites on the net, these societies would seem to want
you to know all about them now. Thats because their
deadline is fast approaching...


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