:: Re: [DNG] hijacking resolv.conf - p…
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Auteur: Arnt Karlsen
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] hijacking resolv.conf - possible fix?
On Wed, 19 Mar 2025 08:57:12 -0300, altoid wrote in message

> Hello:
> On 19 Mar 2025 at 12:35, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> >... headless Pi-hole VM run systemd?
> Has hell frozen over?

..nah, people still whine about Ukraine and Gaza becoming
the top 2 climate issues. ;o)

..inside your VM, try: dpkg -S /sbin/init

..if that fails, try the 4 line oneliner test idea way below. ;o)

..unless you have modified or done anything to change your headless
Pi-hole VM to NOT run systemd, it will run systemd, systemd will in
turn detect the fact it is running in a VM on an "enemy" non-systemd
host, and act "accordingly", whatever that means nowadays...

...which is just one of the many reasons I joined DNG 10 years ago
when "accordingly" still meant 'just hide', which again, at a
minimum, will complicate any diagnosis work.

> I use Devuan for everything.

..the fact that you run docker on top of Devuan is irrelevant to
whatever happens INSIDE your VM, and Pöttinger & Co clearly want
to hide the finer details of schemes like systemd-resolved from
VM host people trying to investigate systemd impact on e.g. DNS
privacy and online security.

> The *only* exception (for the time being) is [clonezilla-live] which
> runs on Debian.
> > ... v6 has been entirely redesigned ...
> > ... distributions utilizing systemd or sysvinit!
> Actually, Devuan, which uses [sysvinit], is not a supported OS.
> You have to update using this:
> [code]
> # PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -r
> [/code]

..a 4 line oneliner test idea: ...
if [[ `/sbin/init --version` =~ upstart ]]; then echo using upstart;
elif [[ `systemctl` =~ -\.mount ]]; then echo using systemd; elif [[ -f
/etc/init.d/cron && ! -h /etc/init.d/cron ]]; then echo using
sysv-init; else echo cannot tell; fi


> But I *have* received support from them.
> And quite comprehensive at that.
> They were very helpful.
> See here:
> https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/upgrade-from-6-0-4-to-6-0-5-not-taking
> -place/77677

..I saw nothing there suggesting any of you guys have able
to e.g. disable systemd nor systemd-resolved, which I agree
I would ONLY wanna run during investigations.

> Jury is still out as to what exactly went on (more research needed on
> my behalf) but the immediate problem was solved.
> Kudos to those chaps!

..here we agree. :o)

..now, am I barking up the right (systemd) tree?
That, I don't know.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.