:: Re: [DNG] Something I wonder how ma…
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Συντάκτης: Martin Steigerwald
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Something I wonder how many hours developers have wasted on usr-merge
Syeed Ali - 22.02.25, 19:35:27 MEZ:
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:31:30 +0100
> Martin Steigerwald <martin@???> wrote:
> > What could have been done with that amount of time? Probably Debian
> > could travel to the moon all by itself already.
> There are personality themes running through humans. For technology
> enthusiasts it is high trait openness. This, and with others, means
> there is appeal to the authority of a theory even when the
> implementation requires suffering, or burning everything else down and
> building from the ashes. But why, you asked...

Thanks for this little master piece answer, Syeed. I enjoyed reading it
and I agree with much of what you wrote.

Yes, you are a writer :).

