:: [DNG] Upgrade and installer problem…
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Auteur: Didier Kryn
À: dng
Sujet: [DNG] Upgrade and installer problems
    Hi all.

    A few days ago, I think it was Valentine's day, I made an upgrade
of Daedalus (upgrade all packages), using Synaptic. It went smoothly and
I didn't restart my laptop for a few days. Yesterday I restarted it and
it couldn't mount my home disk. I discovered at least part of the
problem. My home is a partition mounted with zfs.

    zfs is not part of the linux kernel for license reasons, but the
module can be built with the dkms mechanism. usually this is done on the
fly by dpkg, and it is noticeable because very cpu-intensive. The other
day, it was upgraded as usual, to follow the kernel upgrade to version But when I rebooted, Grub loaded a kernel image and
initrd of version, a version compiled in 2023, while the
package of linux-image was installed.

    I tried a few things to get out of this nightmare and finally fell
down to using the Daedalus installer. I couldn't even mount my root
partition because it was on reiserfs, which isn't an option, and it is
not possible to load packages from the installer. I fell down to
reinstalling with expert install. I reformatted my root partition to
ext4 and installed Daedalus without problem, but, when I try to run
apt-get or synaptic, they don't find the repositories. Is the Devuan
repository broken? Is it possible" that the installer configures
sources.list with wrong repository addresses?

    Help needed!

--    Didier