:: Re: [DNG] type
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Συντάκτης: dvalin
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] type
On 14.02.25 19:02, Alessandro Vesely via Dng wrote:


> So you have:

> $ type command

Around 40 years ago, I relied on "which" until it became clear that, as the manpage still admits, it feebly only reveals paths, e.g.:

$ /bin/which type


So at that time, a quick hack:

alias which='type -a'    # Checks aliases & functions also.

improved matters without losing linguistic rationality. If I want something typed, I'll use echo or printf, thanks. Twisting my mind to adapt to a warped command name was never on the cards, so it's been in my .bashrc ever since, giving:

$ which which

which is aliased to `type -a'

which is /usr/bin/which

which is /bin/which

$ which type

type is a shell builtin

which is a satisfactory query/response interface, I find.
