:: Re: [DNG] Config and apt questions
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Autor: Gregory Nowak
To: Walter Dnes
CC: Devuan List
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Config and apt questions
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 01:06:56AM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote:
> Long-time linux user, but new to Devuan. Treat these as newbie
> questions.
> 1) Is "apt full-upgrade" equivalant to
> apt update
> apt upgrade

No, upgrade upgrades installed packages as long as they don't rely on
new not yet installed packages, full-upgrade will pull in new packages
if necessary to upgrade currently installed packages.

> 2) My Gentoo minimalist streak... can I safely remove "standard apps"
> like Libreoffice and Firefox-esr?

I don't see why not.

> 3) This leads into my next question. My "apt" cheatsheet shows...
> sudo apt autoremove
> sudo apt --purge autoremove
> Is it necessary to enter both commands or is the second one sufficient?

Doing autoremove will remove packages, but not their configuration
files. Using --purge will remove the configuration files as well.


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