:: Re: [DNG] Python and Virtual Enviro…
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Autor: Bob Proulx
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Python and Virtual Environments
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> By the way, with the usr-merge mandatory now maintainers seem to be
> shifting to
> #!/usr/bin/sh

The UsrMerge folks have created an entire new set of problems to deal
with now. Unfortunately they have mostly created those problems for
others rather than for themselves.

Even in a UsrMerge environment one should never use the above but
should continue to use the standard #!/bin/sh path. The reason people
are switching to the above is ignorance. They have PATH looking at
/usr/bin only now and then "type sh" and see /usr/bin/sh and not
knowing any better use it. Gack!

This is why using env is often used and recommended. To at least have
something portable.

    #!/usr/bin/env sh

That's got to be one of the stranges invocations! But at least it is
portable and works. So if the UsrMerge advocates can't tolerate using
paths to /bin then that's an escape route.

> > Why we have to deal with /bin/sh instead of just use bash everywhere
> > in 2025 is another good question, if I never see /bin/sh again I'll be
> > OK.
> Just wait until /usr/bin/zsh becomes the norm ;-P

Add one "Gack!" for the zsh. Add another "Gack!" for the /usr/bin
path to it. :-(
