:: Re: [DNG] ..somewhat OnTopic, was: …
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Autor: Dan Purgert
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] ..somewhat OnTopic, was: OT: OT ??
On Feb 05, 2025, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Feb 2025 17:30:44 +0100, Didier wrote in message
> <7cb77633-0a55-4ed3-b68e-2b50cffcf6c8@???>:
> > Le 04/02/2025 à 14:29, R A Montante, Ph.D. via Dng a écrit :
> > > Tangential question:  When people write "OT", do they mean
> > > "On Topic" or "Off Topic"?  I'm never quite sure...
> > >
> >     I'd say that when a message is "on topic" it isn't worth to
> > mention because it is obviously the default.
> ..respectfully disagreed, in "OT" threads I find (somewhat) OnTopic,
> I say so in the Subject line, and explain why in the body, like here.

You've said essentially the same thing.

  (1) If a message is 100% "On Topic" (or, minimally, above some
    "threshold" value of "On Topic), there's no need to flag it.

  (2) Otherwise, the message is below this "threshold" of "on topic", 
    and it gets posted with an "Off Topic" flag in the subject.

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