:: [DNG] Roundtable on favorite softwa…
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Autor: Steve Litt
A: dng
Asunto: [DNG] Roundtable on favorite software: 2/5/2025 7pm Eastern Standard time
Hi all,

Where: GoLUG: https://meet.jit.si/golug
When: Wednesday, 2/5/2025 7pm sharp Eastern Standard time
      Arrive 15 minutes early for Microphone check & discussion
Who: Every attendee. David Billsbrough is the facilitator

No two Linux or BSD computers are the same. After the base install, we
all customize our computers with favorite packages, themes,
shellscripts, and for some of us, programs we have to
configure;make;make install, as well as some of us writing programs for

Attached is a screenshot of an empty workspace on my computer. I
imagine it's different from a computer with Gnome, which is different
from KDE. But it goes beyond mere appearances: Different people
consider different software to be "must have".

This round table promises to be a great discussion and show-and-tell.
We hope to see you there.


Steve Litt
GoLUG Publicity Coordinator