Autor: onefang Data: A: dng Assumpte: Re: [DNG] apt ftp and rsync,
are they used? Might turn them off for my sledjhamr package mirror.
On 2025-02-01 20:34:15, Simon wrote: > onefang <onefang_devuan@???> wrote:
> > I'm not proposing removing FTP and rsync packages from Devuan, I'm only
> > proposing stopping FTP and rsync servers on MY mirror. I could have just
> > stopped them to see who complained, but I'd rather ask first.
> >
> > To re-iterate apt doesn't even support rsync, and has deprecated and
> > disabled FTP by default. So I'm proposing to stop serving Devuan
> > packages and ISOs from MY mirror using FTP and RSYNC. Everything will
> > still be available via HTTP and HTTPS. What others do with their mirrors
> > is up to them, not all of them support FTP or rsync anyway.
> OK, so what do your logs say ? Is anything that looks like a legitimate
> client actually using these other protocols ?
As mentioned before it mostly looks like a couple of other Devuan
mirrors, Yandex, and assorted good / bad security scans.
Yandex has about a dozen different IPs regularly hitting my rsync server
all at once. Why they can't just hit me with one then distribute
internally I have no idea.
One odd thing I saw in the logs that I'm not sure about is that it looks
like u-boot and netboot Devuan installers actually do a network boot
using FTP to package mirrors, possibly to several of our mirrors via
DNS-RR or something. I thought network booting used the TFTP protocol,
not FTP? Or something even odder is going on. Not much, just odd.
> PS - thank you for providing a mirror. AFAIK I don’t use it, but I am
> reliant on people like yourself supporting the project. When 20th century
> internet arrives on my street I could consider doing something myself.
You are all welcome.
If you use for apt, then you will be using a bunch of our
package mirrors, including mine.
A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.