:: Re: [DNG] Further down the highway …
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Skribent: Didier Kryn
Dato: 2025-01-14 15:22 -000
Til: dng@lists.dyne.org
Emne: Re: [DNG] Further down the highway to hell
Le 14/01/2025 à 14:36, Ken Dibble a écrit :
> Admittedly, I am not the brightest color in the crayola box.
> That being said,
> I can make no sense of this.
> Normally I would just ignore something like this, but it comes from a
> place with a history of making dumb choices and using the market to
> enforce them.
> set RANT=ON
> Why compromise a distribution for anyone who cannot follow standards
> and good practices?
> (Which may or may not include yourself).
> It is my opinion you end up with Windows doing that.
> Quote from below provided reference:
> "Since generally all user sessions and services have both directories
> in $PATH"
> (referencing /bin and /sbin)
> In what stupid world does this happen?
> I am in adm group and sudoers file, it is not in my path.

    AFAIR, being listed in the sudoers file, being listed in the member
list of the adm group, and having /sbin in ones PATH have always been 3
different things which you must configure yourself separetely... unless
you write your own program to do it. At least in Debian/Devuan.

> This doesn't happen by accident.  Someone causes it to happen.
> That person should learn to follow good practices.
> Further, the author claims that there is no gain to keeping /bin and
> /sbin separate.
> Maybe there is no gain in the authors system, which from my point of
> view, appears to be misconfigured,
> but the author shows no evidence that it is true in a properly
> configured system.

    Can you make an evidence that there is a gain? Of course it makes a
difference. Little, in my opinion. But wether a gain or a loss, or
neither one? I'm balancing.

> The author claims it causes confusion, whereas merging everything
> together would alleviate confusion.
> The author wants to make a major change (with an unknown or
> unspeculated amount of grief),
> with no evidence that it would benefit a properly configured system.
> Apparently bigger piles are less confusing than rudimentarily sorted
> smaller piles.
> Apparently it is easier to rearrange a system than to make sure it is
> properly configured.

    I agree with you that the author had a bad idea. However I wouldn't
argue that the change is beneficial or not. My argument would be that
the claimed motivation is too weak and, therefore, suspect of hiding
another reason which she/he doesnt dare to expose.

> Or is making Linux into Windows the point?
> set RANT=off
> Can someone kindly show me the error in my thinking?
> Thanks,
> Ken
> Reference:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unify_bin_and_sbin

    Oh yes, Fedora! That explains. It must be a part of their hidden
agenda. And Yes, I beleive they are paving the way for Windozz to become
THE Linux Desktop.

--     Didier