:: Re: [DNG] HTML/SVG/PostScript
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Autor: peter
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] HTML/SVG/PostScript
From:    Steve Litt <slitt@???>
Date:    Fri, 3 Jan 2025 04:28:55 -0500

> See also https://troubleshooters.com/web/validating.htm#xmlchecker

Thanks twice.

I've used the W3C validator for years, oblivious to the possibility of
local installation. So now it's installed. Thanks1!

The file at https://easthope.ca/Peter.html validates with no error.
Your section "End Tag Rules of the Road" is perfectly sensible
although the validator notes trailing slashes, <br/> and etc.

xmlchecker.py is also installed. Brilliant! Thanks2!
It gives this output.

Testing for well formedness Peter.html ...

ERROR: mismatched tag: line 20, column 2 !!!!!!

Disclaimer: This program replaced file Peter.html's
<!DOCTYPE > line with a special html5
DOCTYPE line while evaluating. The original
file has not been changed. It's possible
this program might be inaccurate if the
original file had a non-html5 DOCTYPE line.

The error at 20.2. baffles me.

To my knowledge <!DOCTYPE html> is correct for HTML5. The disclaimer
is for unidentified syntaxes?

A linguistic question for possible interest. In my understanding,
validity of HTML is syntactic correctness of HTML. And
well-formedness of XML is syntactic correctness of XML. Validity and
well-formedness are just two synonyms for syntactic correctness.
Correct? More subtle?

Thanks again,                ... P.

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