:: Re: [DNG] I'd like to hear more abo…
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Autor: Didier Kryn
Data: 2024-12-31 11:33 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] I'd like to hear more about the Xaw widget set
Le 31/12/2024 à 00:03, marc a écrit :
> Hello
> So I am taking the exact opposite position. And you can quote me on that:
>    "Don't include a web browser in your dependencies if you write in free software." -  me
> The web is being encircled and captured by commercial interests.
> Significant distributions with substantial technical skills (including
> alpine and iirc nix/guix ?) have struggled to build, nevermind ship,
> firefox binaries.
> Some may call these edge cases, but I think it is a sign of what is to
> come - that the "modern" web will only be available on a few platforms,
> with weaponised complexity excluding the rest. One suspects the next tooth
> on the ratchet will exclude open hardware for being far too "insecure" and
> insufficiently DRMed to host something as important as a browser which
> can access online banking.
> Game theorists might notice a defect versus co-operate pattern here: If
> everybody defects to the convenient choice of a web then we'll all
> be stuck in the surveilled and ad-infested worst case.
> Sort of related thoughts on this can be found at
> https://scottrichmond.me/the-web-is-too-big/
> So please do use small, exotic or long forgotten gui toolkits.
> As long as their dependency graph isn't too crazy either.

    Marc, this is very true. I fully agree with you. BTW, I've loved,
and even bookmarked https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/

    Yet currently there is some convenience in writing simple websites.
Mine use HTML5 , SVG and CSS, and this is enough to do a lot of things -
I can't imagine how I could need anything else. It seems to me it's a
lot more than what Gemini can do.

--     Didier