:: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating…
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Auteur: Arnt Karlsen
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating to Devuan
On Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:41:30 -0500, Miles wrote in message

> As someone who has long been tied to (an outdated version of) Debian,
> I too have been considering a move - though more to a very
> lightweight install and containerized everything (probably Docker).
> Though... I've also considered either Kali Linux (can't beat the
> collection of tools), building from scratch a la Linux-From-Scratch,
> or using a distro with a declarative build system (GUIX or NixOS) ...
> or maybe going full old school and switching to a BSD.

..so, Slackware isn't old-school enough?

> It really doesn't matter that much, ultimately, my desktop is still
> Office - on multiple platforms (Mac, Windows, Android on a Samsung
> Phone) - and I'm experimenting with moving all of my enterprise
> services into a compute cloud based on either WasmCloud or Bacalhau -
> running native or under Docker on both local nodes and cloud
> providers - looking at IPFS (or LibP2P really) for underlying file
> management & transport.
> But ... I would be interested in comments on Kali vs. LFS vs. GUIX
> vs. NixOS vs. BSDs - from folks who've been there.

...and on Slackware too.

..I believe we should get our upstream core kernel init boot etc
system files from Slackware rather than Debian, at least until
Debian comes back to their senses on systemd.

> Best,
> Miles Fidelman
> Chief Engineer, Civic.Net - Rebooting Democracy, Rebuilding America
> (check us out, join the fun)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.