:: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating…
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Szerző: Steve Litt
Dátum: 2024-12-29 21:21 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating to Devuan
karl@??? said on Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:11:14 +0100 (CET)

>Why would one not compile their own kernel

No reason at all, compiling your own kernel is just fine, but the time
to compile a kernel is after the distro is running, and you've backed
up the known good kernel, so if your new kernel doesn't work it's as
simple as a rescue boot and renaming a couple things.

>and how come chroot is a problem,

Same reason LILO was confusing: You have to think in relation to the
chroot, not the final system. Now some folks have no problem doing
this, but I find it confusing, slow to figure out, and mistake prone.
Listen, it's not a show stopper, but if given the chance and all other
things being equal, I'll take a shellscript (that under the covers does
a chroot) over doing the chroot myself.

>doesn't devuan also use that but
>hidden below tons menu questions, obfuscating what installation really

EXACTLY! Devuan's shellscript or whatever gets the necessary info from
me, *relative to the final system's filesystem*, and then without
talking to me about it does a chroot install. It makes my life much

>> * Modern Gentoo comes with sYSTEMd, so Systemd has its camel nose in
>> the tent, and how long before they give up on OpenRC (which isn't
>> all that good itself)?
>I run Gentoo with busybox init, no problem.

So far.

>> Gentoo is for a very specific type of ultrageek who wants complete
>> control over everything all the time. It is not, in my opinion, a
>> general purpose distro.
>Given that there might be disagreaments between you and the
>distribution, as we e.g. have seen with debian re. systemd, Gentoo
>is a way to have it your way.
>With Gentoo I cat have emacs use Xaw which I prefer over the so called
>modern widget sets.

Couldn't you have compiled emacs with Xaw on any distro using
./configure;make;make install or whatever?


Steve Litt
