:: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating…
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Skribent: Miles Fidelman
Dato: 2024-12-29 14:41 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Questions about migrating to Devuan
As someone who has long been tied to (an outdated version of) Debian, I
too have been considering a move - though more to a very lightweight
install and containerized everything (probably Docker).

Though... I've also considered either Kali Linux (can't beat the
collection of tools), building from scratch a la Linux-From-Scratch, or
using a distro with a declarative build system (GUIX or NixOS) ... or
maybe going full old school and switching to a BSD.

It really doesn't matter that much, ultimately, my desktop is still
Office - on multiple platforms (Mac, Windows, Android on a Samsung
Phone) - and I'm experimenting with moving all of my enterprise services
into a compute cloud based on either WasmCloud or Bacalhau - running
native or under Docker on both local nodes and cloud providers - looking
at IPFS (or LibP2P really) for underlying file management & transport.

But ... I would be interested in comments on Kali vs. LFS vs. GUIX vs.
NixOS vs. BSDs - from folks who've been there.


Miles Fidelman
Chief Engineer, Civic.Net - Rebooting Democracy, Rebuilding America
(check us out, join the fun)

Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 28/12/2024 à 22:29, Steve Litt a écrit :
>> Peter via Dng said on 28 Dec 2024 10:41:21 -0700
>>> What are the principal aspects against Gentoo for you? Ongoing
>>> requirements of maintenance time?
>> As a guy who thoroughly tested Gentoo and Funtoo as possible escape
>> mechanisms from SystemD in 2014, let me answer that:
>> * Compiling every update takes a long time.
>> * Messing with compile flags bestow many opportunities to introduce
>>    bugs, crashes, etc.

>> * Installation is a time consuming process, at least on bare metal.
>> * Installation includes configuring and compiling your kernel, which,
>>    if done wrong, requires you to either do the whole install again or
>>    invoke your skills in chroot-foo. If you're anything like me, the
>>    backward-referring relative thought patterns of chroot installations
>>    is error prone.

>> * Modern Gentoo comes with sYSTEMd, so Systemd has its camel nose in
>>    the tent, and how long before they give up on OpenRC (which isn't all
>>    that good itself)?

>> Gentoo is for a very specific type of ultrageek who wants complete
>> control over everything all the time. It is not, in my opinion, a
>> general purpose distro.
>     That, "complete control over evrything", is an illusion: Gentoo is
> ready-made, with a lot of necessary patches, like any distro; and
> every version is pretty outdated. I tried it a few times. It's
> instructive to compile everything by yourself, but the manual holds
> your hand all the time and you better follow it very carefully, and,
> let's tell it, blindly.
> --     Didier
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